Post Malone Teased the Father-Daughter Dance Song Of The Decade, “She Ain’t Yours”

I like this new side of Post Malone.

Posty is getting ready to release his debut country album sometime this year keeps teasing unreleased music on his socials. He just teased a tearjerker too. It’s a new song called “She Ain’t Yours”, which is a dad imagining what it will be like to give his little girl away one day when she gets married.

I keep forgetting that Post actual has one daughter himself with his fiancée, who was born in May of 2022, and it’s clear after listening to this song that being a dad has softened him up quite a bit. He usually keeps his personal life extremely private, so getting an intimate glimpse into that part of his life and how he feels is what makes country music real.

As a dad of a little girl myself now…I can only imagine what it will be like to walk her down the aisle. Crying of course like dads usually do. This will be the father-daughter dance song of the decade when it’s eventually released, and I’m sure every dad of a little girl can relate to this.

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