Luke Combs Delivered His “Father’s & Sons” Album and It’s Worth The 40 Minutes of Your Time to Listen To

Luke Combs and his better half, wife wife, are currently two kids deep at the house.

So, being a dad when he’s home is a role that Luke takes very seriously. As it should be. It’s also harder to be a dad than it is to entertain a sold out stadium of fans who paid good money to see you during your stadium tour. Mainly because yours kids don’t give a rats ass what you have to say while they’re busy watching Bluey for 14th time before their lunch. 

Luke has also been teasing people on social about his new music coming and it’s here now. It’s an entire album full of dad songs.

His new 12 song album Fathers & Sons dropped this past Friday June 14th and you can stream it anywhere you stream country music. From “Front Door Famous” to the “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” is worth the 40 minutes of your time to listen to the 12 songs on this news album.

Luke is pretty proud of this new project too…

Luke delivered this album just in time for Father’s Day. Which is Sunday June 16th and as a dad myself now I have to point out how we do in fact like presents too. Hugs and top shelf whiskey are always a good choice.

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