Zach Bryan Bought Everyone Shots at a Boston Bar During One of ‘The Great American Bar Scene’ Listening Parties

If you want to get your fans hyped about your new album…you invite them out to a special listening party at a bar. 

Now if you want to get them really hyped, get them liquored up. Which is exactly what ZB did and is currently doing at 23 selected bars across America.

Zach Bryan recently held one of his listening parties for his new album, “The Great American Bar Scene”, at a bar in Boston. It went off very well, because bars usually always puts a smiles on people’s faces. I mean free shots of alcohol always puts smiles on faces.

Just in case anyone was on the fence about the music, Zach made sure everyone was happy by buying the entire place a round of shots. Unfortunately they were shots of Fireball, but beggars can’t be choosers.

The only drawback for those folks was that Zach was not there himself. As for the album…that will come out on July 4th. Someone on TikTok obviously boasted about the free shots, so here’s a little footage of that.

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